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This complete renovation of the basement in this three-storey house in Westmount asked us to take over all the foundations and waterproofing of the building, to finally create a new pleasant and habitable relaxation space, integrating storage space.

We used raw materials, leaving the wooden structure and foundations exposed to obtain a more authentic style. The rubble foundation stones were cleaned, scraped and then sandblasted. This sandblasting technique allows the stone to be thoroughly cleaned without damaging it.

The water-heated floor brings comfort and radiant heat. The concrete slab is waxed to create a mineral effect. A great deal of detail work has been done in the cutting of the ceramic tiles for the bathroom in particular, as well as the wooden benches in one rough piece.

Entrepreneur général

137 rue Saint Ferdinand, suite 220

Montreal (Quebec)  H4C 2S6 

RBQ 8350-4068-27   I   © 2023 Indigo Construction Inc. 

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